RSO Funding

RSO Fundraising

Student Activities and Union Facilities (SAUF): Student Activities and Union Facilities has monies available to RSOs. See your SAO advisor to find out more.

Hec Ed Fundraising: The Hec Edmundson Pavilion allows RSOs to
fundraise by working parking services or selling concessions during sporting events. See their website for more info.

General Fundraising: When considering fundraising, keep these rules in mind

Funding Resources

Bookstore discount: All RSOs get a 10% discount on supplies at the University Bookstore. Also, if your RSo request far enough in advance, the bookstore can donate gift certificates for education-based fundraising events.

UW Surplus: All excess university equipment goes to UW surplus, where it can be viewed online before it is auctioned off.
This is a low cost resource for students.

UW Alumni Association: The UW Alumni Association has RSO grants it gives out three times a year. The deadline falls once each quarter. For more info, visit their website.

ASUW Special Appropriations Committee: This is a committee set up by ASUW to ensure diverse and relevant student programming, which is also a powerful resource for student groups. If your group has gotten previous funding for an event, it’s advised to bring data and mention this. If not,
don’t worry, there’s always a first time.

Graduate and Professional Student Senate(GPSS): This group review student programs and awards grants to some. See their webpage for more info.

UW Tech Fee Committee: This is a committee set up by the UW to ensure non-academic student technology needs are met, resources are well spent and students have access to technologies purchased by the UW. If you have a suggestions for technology needs, feel free to submit a proposal.

ASUW General Fund: For ASUW entity use only. The purpose is to ensure
programs are able to accomplish their goals and if an entity is short they may request additional funding from the
general fund.

Ethnic Cultural Center
(ECC): The Ethnic Cultural Center supports many programs which educate people about other cultures, which also
empowers students and encourage them to recognize their heritage.

Student Resource Center: All RSOs have free access to the resource center, which has free RSO printing, rents tables, canopies, has poster making software and printing capabities. They are located in the subbasement of the HUB.
