Wanna help out in the community?
Chief Seattle Club
Mission: “To provide a sacred space to nurture, affirm and renew the spirit of urban Native Peoples”
Five days a week, we offer a place where urban American Indians and Alaska Natives, many of whom are homeless and low-income, can join to share a common meal, speak their own languages, access social services, and find peace, without fear of public censure or discrimination. These articles explore aspects of our mission in depth.
If you would like to volunteer, contact our Executive Assistant at nina@chiefseattleclub.org
The Seattle ClearSky Native Youth Council
Mission: We collectively promote and engage in cultural, traditional activities and educational achievement. We strive to enhance our tribal identities, personal and community growth and wellness. We advocate for justice, equality, and visibility in Seattle Public School community.
For more information please contact Yvette Pinkham@ 306-3030 or Sarah Sense-Wilson @ 524-5220